Georgia Chapter No. 22 had a proud beginning as the first chapter to be chartered in the southeastern United States.
The first organizational meeting was held on November 5, 1957, at Herren’s Restaurant in Atlanta with thirty-four people in attendance. The purpose of the meeting was to nominate officers and set up a permanent organization.
Mr. Edwin M. Rams, Regional Appraiser, GSA, agreed to act as temporary chairman. His first act was to appoint Mr. T.M. Niblack to serve as acting Secretary Treasurer. A copy of the model by-laws were distributed to all present, considered, and adopted. It was decided that a meetings would be held the first Tuesday of each month. At this meeting the membership was informed that "No. 21" had been set aside as the Atlanta Chapter's designation. But before the petition for charter was requested. West Virginia applied for charter and was given the designation as Chapter 21.
Other business conducted included the appointment of a nomination committee to prepare a slate of officers to be presented at the next meeting in December. At the December meeting the first officers of the Georgia Chapter were elected.
The following were the 1957-58 officers:
The chapter was now ready to petition the national organization with a formal application of charter. The resolution was sent on December 5, 1957, to the regional chairman, W.B. Thorton of Houston. The chapter had 94 charter members and these members were from five southern states. The states represented and number of members is as follows: Alabama -1, Georgia - 73, Florida - 3, Mississippi - 15, and Tennessee - 2.
The charter ceremonies were held on February 26, 1958, at the Atlanta Athletic Club. The charter was presented by Frank C. Balfour, founder and Vice-chairman of the national organization. The ceremony was attended by fifteen national and chapter officers from all over the United States. A total of ninety people attended the official beginning of Georgia Chapter
No. 22.
The key note address was presented by Dexter MacBride, Supervising Right of Way Agent of the California Division of Highways and Secretary of the American Right of Way Association. He stated:
We were proud to host the 26th International Seminar on June 15 - 20, 1980 at the Atlanta Hilton Hotel. This was one of the most successful seminars ever presented and this success is a tribute to the dedication and hard working members of our chapter for without them it could not have been possible.
Three Frank C. Balfour Right of Way Professional of the Year winners brought honor to our chapter in past years. The men served their chapter at every level of leadership and distinguished themselves at the International level.
- Served on the International Executive Committee, 1978 served as International President.
- Chairman of the 26th International Education Seminar
- Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the International Transportation Committee, served on the Relocation and Environmental Committee.