Be sure to get your application submitted, the deadline is April 1, 2025. You can download the PDF below for additional details.
Billions of dollars are spent annually on the acquisition, management, and transfer of rights of way. Specialized education and training are essential for the technical skills required in this field. To ensure right-of-way professionals maintain the highest standards of competency, new courses and training must keep pace with the evolving marketplace.
The Right of Way International Education Foundation (RWIEF) is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation. Classified as a public charity under the IRS Code in 1978, all contributions made to the Foundation are tax-deductible. A separate entity from the IRWA, RWIEF acts as a fund-raising partner for right-of-way education. Association staff, through input from their members, develop and manage education programming, while the Foundation provides funding for education programs and industry scholarships. - CLICK on the logo to learn more!